What is an OA Intergroup?

When several groups form in an area, they soon realize that they can perform better together rather than separately. Groups may form an intergroup that is directly responsible to the groups it serves. Intergroups spring from a need to provide service for a number of local groups and to provide better information about OA in a community (adapted from OA Handbook for Members, Groups, and Service Bodies)

The San Diego County Intergroup Incorporated (SDCII) is the business representative and a not-for-profit corporation (501(c)3) that serves San Diego and Imperial Counties. Our primary purpose is to ensure communication between the various groups (meetings) so that we have a central point to serve those who seek recovery. Please email our Trusted Servants if you have any questions.

The individual meetings that make up the Intergroup elect the Service Board to conduct the business as required by State, Federal, and local laws. We are a service body, not a ruling body. Our primary purpose is to provide the nexus of communication between individual meetings, the World Service Organization, and the public. As part of our charter, the SDCII provides space for this communication. We maintain this website and provide our meetings with support through our Zoom accounts.

The Intergroup is governed by bylaws adopted and amended by the Intergroup members as a whole. Each meeting sends a representative to our monthly Intergroup meeting that votes the meeting’s conscience in representation.

Every OA meeting – including every Zoom meeting – is encouraged to send a representative to the monthly Intergroup meetings, held on the first Saturday of the month. If your meeting doesn’t have an Intergroup representative, please select one, and have your meeting’s voice heard! All members are welcome to attend, but only Service Board members and Intergroup Representatives may vote.

Each meeting is autonomous, and groups decide on requirements and selection for Intergroup representatives. To hold a Board position, a member must maintain his/her abstinence for 1 year, each person being the sole judge of his/her abstinence.

The Board Secretary regularly communicates with the Intergroup representatives, providing highlights from Intergroup meetings to share with groups. Intergroup meeting minutes are published here.

The Internal Information position on the Board maintains the database of trusted servants from each meeting. Please send contact info for trusted servants to info@oasandiego.org

Trusted Servants

Service Board

Kendra W
Term 1 ends December 2025

Keren S
Term 1 ends December 2024

Term 1 ends December 2025

Maureen C
Term 2 ends December 2024

Public Information/Professional Outreach (PIPO)
Jane Z
Term 1 ends December 2023

Retreat Liaison
Lou B
Term 1 ends December 2024

Twelfth Step Within Chair
Elyesse U
Term 1 ends December 2023

Young People’s Chair
Kendra W
Term 1 ends December 2024

Internal Info
Jeff N
Term 1 ends December 2024

Other Trusted Servants

Delegate, World Service Business Conference
Jerry J

Representative, Region 2
Keren S

Representative, Region 2
Jerry J

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